
scripting reading motions

## manuel portela ### mit press, 2013


a bunch of e-lit artists have a practice called PROGRAMMATOLOGY (that’s how john cayley calls it)

there are specific modes of individual attention in reading (e.g. affective, cognitive, -bootz even says cognitive-), which highlights that, in literary theory, reading is a co-creation of meaning (“this is what this means to me”, etc.). and yet reading source code is a different co-creation of meaning, if at all. co-creation of meaning happens through a reading loop. the reading loop in reading source code is always a back and forth with the text, and a goal of chaning that text/getting inspired/appropriating it.

stephen ramsay: “programming is an enactment of critical reading strategy” (Reading Machines: Towards an Algorithmic Criticism)

i’d argue that the reading of source code is actually flipped from natural language lit: the writing is highly personal/subjective, while the reading is social/subjective.

“legibility emerges from formal differences between signs executed by linguistic, bibliographic and computer programs”