

meeting with nick - 28.12.2022

side note: are metaphors related to space because it’s hard for us to think in terms of time?

chap 4

chap 3

Also, Fuller’s taxonomy, derived from Bloom’s taxonomy. It is represented by two semi-independent dimensions, Producing and Interpreting. Each dimension defines hierarchical linear levels where a deeper level requires the competencies from the previous ones. Producing has three levels (None, Apply, and Create) and Interpreting has four (Remember, Understand, Analyze, and Evaluate). \citep{fuller_developing_2007}

intrinsic characteristics of cs: - problem solving - domain modelling - knowledge representation - efficiency in problem solving - abstraction/modularity - novelty/creativity

ide notes

meeting with nick 4.11.2022

meeting with nick

chap 1


~~look into the pdf “program text, style, laber” by brian lennon to address comments in microsoft windows source code~~

~~yullil - code art brutalism refers the HACKMEM document from 1972 MIT, related to architecture.~~

~~communautés épistémiques et communautés de pratique (Cohendet et al., 2001) -> Cohendet, Patrick, Creplet, Frederic & Dupouet, Olivier. « Organisational innovation, communities of practice and epistemic communities : the case of Linux ». In Economics with heterogeneous interacting agents~~