

VERY IMPORTANT: I should state very very clearly what it is that I am doing. Also that a huge majority of the code is software engineer code, and that code poetry are just distinctly related.

recs from guido, neuropsychologists who might be interested:

add this to examples, from the rust parser example i forked, as an example of how people assign quality to proper scale naming:

rust // Level-change Operator (what a stupid name) operator_level = { operator_exp | operator_subscript | operator_exp ~ operator_subscript | operator_subscript ~ operator_exp }


chap 5 - programming

in the last section, 5.3

chap 3 - beauty

meeting with nick 14.14

Include Gordon Graham - Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics

overall, I should keep in mind that I do not have a technical audience, and I should rework/remove a lot of the examples, and add extensive discussions and rationale as to why those examples are there

For Languages of Art, two things about exemplification vs. implementation:

In architecture, highlight the fact that the detail is the point of interaction between the human and the structure.

In literature, include rousset: forme et signification

Include the fact that aesthetics help compress, and by compressing, people can hold more things in short term memory

tex % \begin{align} % \sqrt{2} & = p / q \\ % \sqrt{2} * q & = p \\ % p & = \sqrt{2} * q \\ % (\sqrt{2})^2 & = (p/q)^2 \\ % 2 & = p^2 / q^2 \\ % p^2 & = 2 * q^2 % \end{align}

meeting with nick - 28.12.2022

side note: are metaphors related to space because it’s hard for us to think in terms of time?

chap 2 - understanding

knowledge begins in simple judgments, judgments of feeling or sentience, as yet devoid of explicit conceptual relations, but containing the germs of all higher order functions of thinking joseph leighton, the objects of knowledge

Also, Fuller’s taxonomy, derived from Bloom’s taxonomy. It is represented by two semi-independent dimensions, Producing and Interpreting. Each dimension defines hierarchical linear levels where a deeper level requires the competencies from the previous ones. Producing has three levels (None, Apply, and Create) and Interpreting has four (Remember, Understand, Analyze, and Evaluate). \citep{fuller_developing_2007}. huh. there is again a spatial component to understanding, at least discursively

intrinsic characteristics of cs:

chap 1 - ideals


structure notes

ide notes


~~look into the pdf “program text, style, laber” by brian lennon to address comments in microsoft windows source code~~

~~yullil - code art brutalism refers the HACKMEM document from 1972 MIT, related to architecture.~~

~~communautés épistémiques et communautés de pratique (Cohendet et al., 2001) -> Cohendet, Patrick, Creplet, Frederic & Dupouet, Olivier. « Organisational innovation, communities of practice and epistemic communities : the case of Linux ». In Economics with heterogeneous interacting agents~~