
valeur heuristique de la litterature numerique

## serge bouchardon

digital literature exists in the wake of things like: - combinatorial lit (oulipo) - constraint lit (idem) - fragment lit (?) - audio/visual lit

literary experiments (-> which implies that the experiment is the first intent, no? could it be that art flourishes on the margin, like the hacker code of paloque berges?)

literary expression: writing, narrative, position of the reader

what has source code writing to offer when it comes to literary creation? (and vice-versa)

the digital only refers to itself (yes, but the digital is inseparable from the act of writing, which then involves a human and therefore necessarily (?) a relationship to other worlds). but also the very first thing is hardware

form and meaning are closely linked (cf. j. rousset, forme et signification, 1966)

the bizarre love triangle of media studies: - technically - semiotically - socially

source code could be a particular modality/mode of text (now i need to define which one!)

mark marino: critical code studies!

“possesses aesthetic properties everything which sets in motion, which makes do (fait faire)”

relationship between literature and communication??

“the interrogative stance can not only stand in what has been done, but also in what can be anticipated, through conception and creation” (epistemological constructivism, hacking, 1983). “the creative moment sets up the conditions to observe a phenomenon”