
ways of worldmaking

nelson goodman

hackett, 1978

a book about the fact that there are always multiple worlds made from existing worlds, and about how to define which worlds are “true” or “good”, and which ones aren’t.

words, works, worlds

there is no one one world, and if there are multiple worlds, there can always be seen as a collection of one.

so how do we define them, if there is no perception without conception, and no conception without perception?

if we look at worldmaking in developmental sociology or anthropology, a universal or necessary beginning is best found in theology.

processes of worldmaking are:

works of arts, though, characteristically illustrate, rather than name or describe relevant kinds. (p.11)

Exemplification and expression, though running in the opposite direction from denotation—that is, from the symbol to a literal or metaphorical feature of it instead of to something the symbol applies to—are no less symbolic referential functions and instruments of worldmaking.” (p.12)

criteria for success in making a world:

knowing is about finding a fit, about the advancement in understanding, and comprehension and creation go together

As meanings vanish in favor of certain relationships among terms, so fads vanish in favor of certain relationships among versions. (p. 93)

facts depend on habit

recognizable -> re-cognizable

The artist’s resources-modes of reference, literal and nonliteral. linguistic and nonlinguistic, denotational and non­ denotational, in many media-seem more varied and impressive than the scientist. But the scientist is also poetic.