
poetique des codes

camille paloque-berges

one - combination

two - textualized code

three - tactics and strategies in code (aka michel de certeau is #1 in all of our hearts)

by getting rid of the nature of code as a tool, one can better highlight the purpose of that tool, and the socio-economic context in which it evolves. one can also subvert the heavy lid of expertise which comes along with the idea of functional, efficient code (“there is a best way to do it”). this expertise affects programmers like advertisement affect consumers (maybe that’s a stretch lol). PRODUCTION vs. FABRICATION. fckn maker movement.

this section also asks the question of the social categories of the poets: professionals? experts? serious? amateurs? cabal-members? outsiders? established artists?


code poetry opens a new space to breathe in computation

this is no longer software referring to itself, but software investigating itself, and through that, investigating the system within which it exists and acts. s

code poetry is the show that the functioning is actually just an illusion, or a miracle. how is it that all this software actually works? when it’s only written by humans… how many try/catch do you need to succeed every time?

four - codeworks

codeworks happens according to its own, rules, own protocols, own environments. inside this environment, the two codes (functional and communicational) infect each other.

passage d’un langage (structurel, fontionnel) a une langue (expression d’une individualite, d’une intentionalite, d’une communaute, d’une flexibilite) > sociolecte (language) /idiolecte (speech, discours, quelle est la qualite d’une voix?)

l33t speak also acts a as marker of culture: informational capital, following cultural capital (bourdieu, manovich).

they are also discourses which represent the influence and perturbation of code on natural speech, through performativity. it is performance that helps integrate codeworks as a cultural discourse.

codeworks also highlight the role of the interpreter, that which mediates between signifier and signified.

the internet text is both message, code and data, a text that is constantly in acting and becoming with itself (could be with multiple programs talking to each other). that sense, there is a symbiosis between the code and the text, with the code invading the text more than the opposite, until the text actually takes over the code, integrating it as a literate/textual object


a book written by no one for no one, can it interest any one?

answers to this lack of machine intent:

questions of the book:

it’s important to study code first, and not remain in the territory of literature > examine them as systems of information-exchange, games of exploration